This new Programme will comprise a holistic approach that enables us to engage with HEIs at their premises on a more informal basis than the former compliance programme, with positive support across a broad range of topics. There will be minimal preparation required, and each visit can be tailored according to the needs of the HEI in question. Engagement by HEIs will not be obligatory, but strongly encouraged!
The Programme will replace the former Compliance Audit Programme, and will be periodically reviewed
with licensee input.
Our Education Team will work closely with other teams at CLA, especially those responsible for product development and data collection, to ensure a balanced level of engagement across the sector. We would normally expect to visit the person responsible for co-ordination of the Licence at your HEI (usually, but not always, the named Licence Co-ordinator) plus any additional staff who are involved with or impacted by the Licence.
Below is an example template of a visit from us under the Programme – but please note that it can be tailored according the needs of your HEI. We would expect a visit to last 1-2 hours on average.
1. Introductions
2. Licence understanding and implementation
- academic, library, e-learning staff
- explore full potential of licence
- any workflow issues
3. High-level review of:
- new/related products (e.g. Digital Content Store, EHESS, Second Extract Permissions Service) NLA
4. Address any outstanding areas of concern
5. AOB
If you have any questions about the Programme, please contact us at
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